Intellij Shortcuts (Mac)

These are Mac Shortcuts. For Windows, try to use CTRL instead of ⌘. Some shortcuts are different for the Windows version though.

Set Keymap in Preferences to: Mac OS 10.5+

Recently opened Files –> ⌘E
Recently Edited Files –> ⇧⌘E

Hide views (e.g. Project) –> ⇧⎋ (⇧ escape-key)

In all Navigation GUIs, you can use Camel Case (e.g. FIS for FileInputStream)
Navigate - Class –> ⌘O
Navigate - File –> ⇧⌘O
In search result windows –> ClassName:40 brings you to line 40
/foldername navigates to folders
patterns, as search terms, are possible
Navigate - Symbol –> ⌥⌘O
Navigate - File Structure –> ⌘F12
Navigate between opened Files –> ⌥⌘← or ⌥⌘→

Search Everywhere –> Double press ⇧
With tab you can navigate the sections
With ← you can navigate previous searches
Searches also menus
Searches also Run Configurations (alternate Run/Debug by pressing ⇧)

Line Comment (on german keyboard) –> ⌘-
Block Comment (on german keyboard) –> ⇧⌘-

Toggle Project View –> ⌘1
To search in this view, just type
To navigate the search results, press ⇥ (Tab)
Structure –> ⌘7

New File –> ⌘N or ⌃⌥N (depends on where you call it)

Show Navigation Bar –> ⌘↑

Show definition in popup –> ⌘Y

If all views are hidden, to show them –> Double ⌘ (hold the second press to ⌘ and click the view you want)

For a second monitor, open a new window –> ⇧F4

Context aware selection of text –> ⌥↑ or ⌥↓

Move Text –> ⇧⌘↑ or ⇧⌘↓

Clipboard history –> ⇧⌘V

Resize View –> ⇧⌘← or ⇧⌘→

Block Selection with Mouse –> ⌥ mouse selection

Multi Cursor –> ⇧⌥click

Add Selection for Next Occurrence –> Select a word and press ⌃G
to select all occurrences –> ⌃⌘G

Completion –> ⌃Space
Smart Completion –> ⇧⌃Space (only shows the completion types that are valid/usable)

PopUp for Method Parameter Info –> ⌘P

Postfix completion - e.g. variableName.notnull –> expands with ⇥ to:

if(variableName != null) {

Find Action –> ⇧⌘A

Open Terminal –> ⌥F12